Ontario’s cost of living is likely to have many residents looking to upgrade their education in hopes of a raise. However, since taking on huge debt to earn more isn’t the most appealing option, we’ve selected a few non-OSAP solutions.
It turns out that currently the provincial government is offering various programs and allowances to help people improve their education without having to take out loans.
The initiative, which targets everyone from electricians to nurses, aims to relieve some of the financial pressures that have become so prominent in the province.
Need to see it to believe it? Take a look at the list below!
Chasing Payments
How it Works: This program provides financial support to individuals to help cover the cost of their child’s tutoring, equipment, or equipment for the 2022-2023 school year. Eligible applicants will receive a one-time payment of between $200 and $250.
Who is Eligible:
- “Parents or guardians of students from kindergarten to grade 12
- 18 year old middle school student
- Parents or guardians of students from kindergarten through age 21 with special educational needs,” reads the statement on the Ontario website.
Application Deadline: March 31, 2023, 23:59
Apply Here
Community Commitment Program for Nurses
How it works: The Commitment Program for Nurses (CCPN) provides a $25,000 grant to qualified nurses, distributed in six installments, in exchange for a “two-year commitment to qualified employers,” the government of Ontario says.
Who is Eligible:
- “Had not been employed as a nurse in Ontario in the six months prior to employment;
- Hold a Certificate of Enrollment in good standing from the College of Nurses of Ontario;
- Start work no later than March 31, 2024;
- Commit to work for two years on a full-time work schedule offered by the employer; and
- Not simultaneously receiving funding from the Ministry of Health for the Nurse Education Assistance Program,” said CCPN.
Application Deadline: Individuals must start work before 31 March 2024.
Apply Here
Ontario Youth Apprentice Program
How it Works: Those who participate in this program will receive up to $4,200 to support them while they complete eight weeks of classroom learning.
Who Eligible: Individuals 15 years of age or older who have a minimum of 14 completed credits toward their OSSD, secondary school enrollment as well as a “cooperative educational placement in the apprentice trade.”
Registration Deadline: N/A
Apply Here
Ontario Study and Stay Grants
How It Works: The Ontario Learn and Stay Grant provides free tuition to students studying “in priority programs in priority communities in Ontario.”
Who is Eligible:
- “Apply to at least one of the eligible programs
- Be an Ontario resident who is a Canadian citizen, permanent resident, or protected person
- Enroll in an eligible diploma, advanced diploma, undergraduate, masters or postgraduate program in priority communities
- Commit to working in that area when you graduate,” the program description reads.
Application Deadline: N/A (applications are expected to open in Spring 2023)
Apply Here
Dual Credit Program
How it Works: The dual credit program allows students in high school to take college courses or internships that count toward high school diplomas, degrees, and Apprentice Certificates.
Who is Eligible:
- Those who are “at risk of not graduating from high school.”
- Enrolled in a Higher Skills Specialist Major
- Enrolled in the Ontario Youth Internship Program
- Back to high school to get their diploma
- Interested in exploring career paths, including internships
- Seeking assistance transitioning to college or an internship program,” the program description reads.
Registration Deadline: N/A
Apply Here
Tomorrow Trading Program
How It Works: This is a 12-week program where people will “receive the necessary personal protective equipment, Milwaukee tool kit, and daily transportation allowance.” Tomorrow’s Trade participants receive $225 per week in training and transportation costs as they pursue their careers.
Who’s Eligible: Underrepresented or at-risk students, between the ages of 18-35, who are interested in careers in construction or skilled trades.
Application Deadline: March 2023
Apply Here
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