The School Helps Parents Get Through the First Day of School Without Tears

First day school, whether pre-kindergarten or elementary school, can be difficult for a child who has never attended school before. As a parent, you may have done your homework at your child’s new school and feel quite confident about the surroundings. However, like any new experience, the adjustments may be too much for young children to handle. On their first day of school, they will need your help in ways an educator may not be able to provide. You and your child are on the right track to a first day of school without tears if you follow the simple guide below.

Methods for a First Day Without Tears

If possible, get to school before the first day. Schedule visits and meet with the educators and other individuals your child will interact with throughout the school year. Allowing your child to become acquainted with their new learning environment before the big day prepares them for what to expect with such significant adjustments.

Read some age-appropriate stories about changing the environment and starting school. Kids can associate their big day with some of the fun stories they’ve had read by hearing about other characters going through similar situations. Audrey Penn’s The Kissing Hand, for example, tells the story of a nervous little raccoon who goes to school for the first time and is away from his mother for the first time. They develop a unique affinity for each other no matter where they are in the world.

Make a fun picture book or journal about a topic your child wants to study at school. Use a variety of interesting materials (crayons, markers, paint) to create a visual representation of learning. Visually cultivating good thoughts about a new school experience is a great way to reinforce a happy mindset on the first day!

Go shopping for school supplies together. If you already have a list of items you need for the school year, now is the perfect time to start preparing for the big day with your child. Before children reach the facility, the process of acquiring the items needed for school can start conversations about what they can expect from the school and generate a sense of familiarity.

Bring gifts for teacher. These can be homemade or purchased (either method is unique), but giving a gift to your child’s new teacher can help create the bond of love needed in a new environment. While the gift is for the instructor, your child is starting to realize that this new person who will be guiding them in class is important and very special. A good impression from the teacher will result in a good impression from the whole experience!

Breathe. While your child may experience new emotions, you may feel melancholy about your child leaving. And that’s great! The start of a new school year is an exciting time! And, while it’s not easy, it’s well worth the effort! You two can do it!

Is there any other way for parents to enjoy their first day without tears school?